The morning of April 9 greeted us with the sight of snow-covered trees, cars and kayaks, and then a thought appeared – this has never happened before! At the starting point, rain and snow alternately soaked the equipment and people. Despite this, the Competitors reached the Competition Office one by one, collected their bibs and packages and got ready for the Start.
9.40 the competition officially started. The competitors were welcomed and the Partners, Co-organizers and Sponsors were thanked.
Honorary Patrons were also mentioned. The special guest was the Mayor of Szklarska Poręba, Mr. Mirosław Graf, who talked about sports competition, not forgetting to draw attention to the need to help our friends from Ukraine in such a difficult time for them. There was also a minute of silence for the late. Aleksandra Doby. A few more organizational matters and the first competitor started at 11.00!

Water level at At 11.00 it showed a water level of 103 cm (which gave a higher result than in 2021, when the water level was approximately 94 cm). All competitors fought very bravely and despite the cold, wind and sports stress, you could see smiles on their faces.
This year, two main categories opened: Women’s Amateur and Men’s Amateur. There were also a few new things.
The Open Classification was introduced for the first time, in which the best time of a woman and a man from the first run was selected. This year, the rules for conducting the Finals also changed – the first 5 people from each category entered the second round – which meant the first historic Women’s Amateur Finals! Classically, the best Rookie (a person who took part in the Competition for the first time) and Old Bastard (a person over 40 years of age) were selected, and the 3 best teams were awarded.

Medals and diplomas were awarded at the SSM „Wojtek” square, which has been the host of the organizers and competitors for many years. During the Closing Ceremony of the Competition, there was also an auction for the EXO Rexy kayak, and the lucky owner donated PLN 4,100 to help Ukraine through the Polish Humanitarian Action. However, the attractions of that day did not end there – the long-awaited tombola also took place, and after all, the band Szcześnie Niepojęte played a concert for us. Players and fans had the opportunity to meet again, discuss kayaking trips and integrate, which some had been waiting for since last year.